Viking Lore Articles — Mannaz

Mannaz Meaning of the Runes Latin M

Posted by Amber Lee on

Mannaz Meaning of the Runes Latin M

Mannaz: (M: Man, mankind.) The Self; the individual or the human race. Your attitude toward others and their attitudes towards you. Friends and enemies, social order. Intelligence, forethought, create, skill, ability. Divine structure, intelligence, awareness. Expect to receive some sort of aid or cooperation now. Mannaz Reversed or Merkstave: Depression, mortality, blindness, self-delusion. Cunning, slyness, manipulation, craftiness, calculation. Expect no help now. The runic books say that the primary meaning of Mannaz is man, not as in gender, but as in human. It is a rune of reflection and defining your inner self. Mannaz also represents the human race, the shared human...

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