Viking Lore Articles — Thor's hammer

The Dual Nature of Mjölnir (Thor's Hammer)

Posted by Amber Lee on

The Dual Nature of Mjölnir (Thor's Hammer)

The dual nature of Mjölnir as both a weapon of destruction and a sacred tool of blessing is deeply embedded in Norse mythology.

Mjölnir, as a symbol, embodies this balance and serves as a reminder of the divine presence in both the benevolent and wrathful aspects of the world, underscoring the harmony between opposing forces in the cosmos.

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Unique Characteristics of Thor's Hammer, as a Symbol

Posted by Amber Lee on

Unique Characteristics of Thor's Hammer, as a Symbol

Thor's Hammer, also known as Mjölnir, is a symbol of protection, strength, consecration, and the integrity of Thor, the Norse god of thunder and warfare. It's one of the most recognized symbols of Norse mythology and represents the power of the divine to create and to destroy.

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