Viking Hair Accessories

Posted by Amber Lee on

The Vikings, known for their audacious explorations, fierce battles, and intricate sagas, were also a people deeply connected to personal aesthetics. Beyond the warrior's beard and long tresses, hair accessories played a significant role in the daily life and style of a Viking man.

Let's explore the world of Viking hair accessories and their meanings.

man with beard and face paint by Amin Mlk on

1. Hair Beads: Symbols of Wealth and Achievement

Hair beads, often crafted from metals like silver, bronze, or even gold, were threaded into braids and long tresses. These beads were more than mere adornments; they were markers of a Viking man's status. A warrior who returned from a successful raid might add a bead to his hair as a token of his success. Over time, a man with multiple beads woven into his hair signaled not just wealth, but also prowess and respect in the community.

2. Leather Bands: Practical and Stylish

Leather was a commonly used material in Viking daily life. Leather bands, often dyed in various colors or decorated with metal studs, were wrapped around long hair or braids, serving both a functional and decorative purpose. They kept hair neatly tied back, especially beneficial in the chaos of battle, while adding a rugged aesthetic appeal.

3. Bone and Wooden Trinkets: A Touch of Nature

The Vikings held a deep reverence for nature, and this was reflected in their choice of hair accessories. Small carved bone or wooden trinkets, representing animals, gods, or symbols from Norse mythology, were woven into the hair. These trinkets were more than just fashion statements; they often carried spiritual or protective significance.

4. Rune Stones: Magic and Mystery

Small rune stones, or stones engraved with runic symbols, were occasionally threaded into Viking hair. Runes were an integral part of Viking culture, believed to possess magical properties. A warrior might have a rune representing protection, strength, or luck woven into his braids before a significant battle, hoping the symbols would favor him.

5. Feathers and Animal Tokens: Channeling the Spirit

On special occasions or ceremonies, Viking men might weave feathers or small animal tokens into their hair. These additions were believed to channel the spirit and attributes of the respective bird or animal, granting the wearer their qualities.


Hair accessories in Viking culture were more than just ornamental. They were deeply symbolic, reflecting personal achievements, beliefs, status, and aspirations. Each bead, band, or trinket told a story, making the Viking mane not just a style statement but a canvas of life's journeys and battles.

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